

Infrared Free Electron Laser Spectroscopy

The primary goal the Max Planck Center is to provide a platform for the support, education and exchange of junior scientists and to foster the development of novel experimental techniques to solve scientific questions in physical chemistry/ chemical physics. The unique availability of intense, tunable pulsed IR radiation, the scientific expertise and the user community at both facilities serve as a solid basis for the Center. While both the FELIX Laboratory in Nijmegen and the FHI in Berlin operate similar FEL instruments and run extensive research programs in FEL-based ion and cluster spectroscopy, much of the research interests as well as the instrumentation available in FEL end stations are clearly distinct and complimentary.

See PROJECTS page for an extended description of the current projects:

  • Prebiotic chemistry at work in space – a joint experimental and theoretical study

  • Shaken, not stirred: how phonons can switch the order in ferroics

  • Carbocations in organic and astrochemistry: investigation by IR ion spectroscopy

  • Dynamics of vibrational energy dissipation in metal cluster complexes

  • Two-by-two: Establishing two-color infrared free-electron laser experiments

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